Solución mecánica e industrial OEM

Outras industrias

OEM Casting Machinery Parts

Como proceso de fabricación fundamental, a fundición, a forxa e o seu posterior procesamento poden producir case todas as pezas metálicas que precisan soporte e funcións fortes. Os nosos produtos tamén serven ás seguintes industrias:
- Electrónica
- Hardware
- Ferramentas de maquinaria
- Motocicleta
- Construción naval
- Petróleo e gas
- Abastecemento de auga

A continuación móstranse os compoñentes típicos por fundición e / ou mecanizado da nosa fábrica:

stainless steel camlock
camlock of stainless steel
camlock lost wax casting stainless
camlock of investment casting
stainless steel casting camlock
stainless steel valve disc
flange of brass investment casting
brass casting flange
casting and machined flange
custom stainless steel flange
casting impeller
pump housing 4
close impeller
stainless steel open impeller
pipe connector
pipe fitting of casting
ductile iron valve body
stainless valve disc
pump housing of cast iron
cast iron pump housing
pump housing 2
pump housing 3
valve body 2
ss valve body
valve body of brass
valve body of stainless steel
butterfly valve disc
valve disc investment casting
valve housing 2
stainless steel impeller 1